Ultrasonic Flow Metering - Mace Flowmeter

MACE specialize in designing and manufacturing smart packaged monitoring solutions for industrial and wastewater markets, agriculture and environmental monitoring. MACE flowmeters allow the user to efficiently monitor a vast array of water quantity and quality sensors plus vital mining, municipal and industrial equipment and assets. Among the advantages of this flowmeter are:

Low cost of ownership:

  • Economical to purchase and install
  • Integrated package - includes data logger, charging regulator and battery

Flexible monitoring and control

  • Standard I/O card supports and seven sensor inputs and four outputs
  • Expandable to five I/O cards
  • Automated sensor power management
  • Use multiple 3rd party water quality sensors
-Dissolved oxygen

  • Multi-channel data logging (2Mb RAM)
  • Use multiple 3rd party water quantity sensors
-Downward looking ultrasonic dept sensor
-Insert electromagnetic
-Paddle wheels
-Transit time

Quick and painless configuration

  • Powerful easy to use and Windows software
  • Easy point 'n' click channel configuration and calibration
  • No proprietry coding knowledge required
  • Multiple flume/weir look up table

Quick and painless configuration

  • ModBUS
  • SDI - 12
  • GSM/GPRS modem




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